Friday 9 May 2014

Principal's Challenge

Throughout the year, we have been having "Million Dollar Words" each week, to increase our vocabulary. This week, it was "integrity", and we discussed what it means. It was mentioned that it's important for us to behave the same way when we're being watched, as we do when we're on our own (or when we think no one is watching).

Mr. Crane issued a challenge for the Grade 5 students:

Dear Grade 5’s

As you may have noticed, Integrity was given to you again as a million dollar word. Integrity is the TDSB Character Trait for the month of May, but I would also like to issue you a Principal’s Challenge:

“Please describe how a person’s integrity might relate to the challenges we are having in the school right now with student behaviour – both in the washrooms and in the lunch rooms.”

For homework, I've asked each student to write a paragraph in response to Mr. Crane's challenge.