Wednesday 14 May 2014

Math Word Problems

In Math class yesterday, students chose a word problem to solve with a partner. For homework, I've asked them to choose a different one and solve it on their own:

1. Deep baked 48 cookies. 1/2 of them were chocolate chip, 1/6 of them were oatmeal and the rest of them were with rainbow chips. How many rainbow chip cookies did Deep bake? Show your thinking.

2. Usman(5F) said that his class ate 27/12 pizzas. Ali (5E) claimed that his class at 2 3/12 pizzas. Vinnie (5G) declared his class at 2 1/4 pizzas. Each boy argued that his class at the most pizzas. Who is right? Explain your thinking.

3. As part of the elections campaign, a poll said the Liberals had 8/20 of the votes. The same poll said that 0.2 of the voters were choosing the Conservatives. 3/10 of the voters were choosing the NDP, with the rest being “undecided”. Who’s in the lead? Show your thinking.

Students can further challenge themselves by making their own fractions word problems and solving them.