Monday 16 December 2013

Social Studies Presentations

On Wednesday, students will be sharing what they have researched and learned about their European Explorer. Each presentation will be 1 minute in length (or 2 minutes for students working with a partner). Here is the rubric that I will be using to grade their presentation:
I've been encouraging students to practice their presentations at home, to ensure they are around the 1 minute mark. Due to the high number of presentations we will have, I will be enforcing the 1 minute time limit.  I've told students that they will get a “signal” at the 1 minute mark, and will have 15 extra seconds to wrap up their presentation. 

Students in all 3 classes have done an excellent job recording their research with their jot notes, and several students have shared their Information Maps with me. I look forward to hearing all about the different explorers on Wednesday!