Monday 25 November 2013

Reminder: Bottle/Carton for Science

Ms. Halliwell has arranged for our class to participate in a design workshop this Thursday or Friday (the schedule for the 3 class has yet to be determined).  In order to participate in the learning activity, each student needs to bring in an empty 2L pop bottle or milk/juice carton.  Ms. Halliwell asked the class to start bringing them in last week, and as of today, only ½ the class has done so.  Please remind your child to bring in their bottle/carton as soon as possible, so that they can take part in the building activity. 

November 25-29, 2013

Reading: Mysteries - Guided Reading, quiz Friday

Writing: Personal Narratives - final project, Descriptive Writing

Math: Data Management - Stem & Leaf Plots, Related Data

Science (Ms. Halliwell): Conserving Energy

Social Studies: First Nations & European Explorers in New France & Early Canada - research project (First Nation)

French (Ms. Bordonaro): TBA

Music/Drama (Ms. Sheppard): TBA

Visual Art: Famous Portraits Artists & their styles - Pablo Picasso

Phys. Ed (Ms. Minutillo): TBA

Wednesday 13 November 2013

November 11-22

Reading: Mysteries - characteristics of mysteries, making connections con’t

Writing: Personal Narratives - final project

Math: Data Management - bar & line graphs, intervals, discrete vs. continuous data (quiz - around 20th-22nd)

Science (Ms. Halliwel): Sources of energy

Social Studies:  First Nations & European Explorers in New France & Early Canada - research project (First Nation)

French (Ms. Bordonaro): Vocabulary, Conversations & Oral Presentations

Music/Drama (Ms. Sheppard): TBA

Visual Art:  Famous Portraits Artists & their styles - Roy Lichtenstein

Phys. Ed (Ms. Minutillo): Health (Bullying) - quiz on 18th

Friday 8 November 2013

World Changer/Peace Maker Homework

In anticipation of Remembrance Day on Monday, we read the book “Somewhere Today, A Book of Peace”.  The book talks about how each of us can play our part to bring peace to our families, communities and to the world.  We discussed Ghandi’s quote“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” and what we can each do to make the world a better place.

For homework, students have been asked to finish their paragraph they started in class.  They were asked “What change would you like to see in the world?  What will you do to be a world changer/peace maker?”  Some students shared that they would like bring an end to violence in the world, and will be that change by trying to use words to solve their everyday conflicts.  Other students said they would like to world to be a greener place, and they would be the change by reducing waste and recycling more often.  Another students said they would promote peace by being kind and respectful to their little brother and sister.  In doing so, they hope that there will be peace in their family and she will a role model of peace to her siblings.   

When they are done their draft, they have been asked to do a self-edit and a peer edit.  They can ask a friend or a family member to help them.  Then they are to publish their paragraph on the “poppy paper”.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Progress Report & Parent-Teacher Interviews

Progress Reports are scheduled to come home on Wednesday, November 13th, and we will be having parent-teacher interviews that week.  I’m in discussion with Mr. Crane and Mr. Chin to see if I can send them home earlier (with the goal being Monday).  If I am able send them home earlier in the week, it will give more options for interview times (e.g. before or after school).

Your child should be bringing home a letter today asking for your preferences of interview times.  Please let me know your choices, so that I can create a class schedule.  Once the schedule is set, I will send another note home to notify you of your time slot.  Please return the forms ASAP, as I would like to set the schedule by Thursday, to give families time to make plans for next week. 

November 4-8, 2013

Reading: Mysteries - elements of a mystery (story map), making connections con't

Personal Narratives - final project

Math: Data Management - mean, median, mode, range, Quiz this week; reading and making bar graphs

Science (Ms. Halliwel): Sources of energy

Social Studies:  First Nations & European Explorers in New France & Early Canada - research project (First Nation)

French (Ms. Bordonaro): Days of the week, Aimer

Music/Drama (Ms. Sheppard): TBA

Visual Art:  Famous Portraits Artists & their styles - Amedeo Modigliani

Phys. Ed (Ms. Minutillo): Health