Friday 25 October 2013

Social Studies Folder Check

Here is a copy of the check list we discussed in class.  I will be checking for the following items in your folder:

Meets Expectation (complete)
Title Page
- title coloured
- includes an appropriate picture
Table of Contents
- up to date
- K and W boxes filled in
- includes at least 2 ideas in each box (or 4 questions if you don’t have anything to put the “Know” box)
- includes at least 6 events
- events recorded in order
Scavenger Hunt
- completed
Map of Native People at time of European contact
- coloured in accurately
- legend and map colours match

Thursday 24 October 2013

Brrrrr! It's cold out there!

We’ve been very blessed with warm and sunny weather this fall, getting an extended summer.  Unfortunately, the weather has taken a sharp turn this week, and it now feels like winter!  Please remind your child to wear appropriate clothing (e.g. jackets, hats,gloves, etc) to school, as they do spend a significant amount of time outside for recesses and at lunch.  It’s also been a bit chilly in the classroom, as the caretakers are working on the heating situation.  I’ve asked the students to bring a sweater with them, just in case they feel cold inside.  

Tuesday 15 October 2013

October 15-18, 2013

Reading: Biographies

Writing: Personal Narratives - conferencing

Math: Subtraction - traditional strategy, review for Unit Test next week (place value, addition, subtraction)

Science (Ms. Halliwell): Energy

Social Studies: First Nations & European Explorers in New France & Early Canada - Atlas & Maps

French (Ms. Bordonaro): Days of the Week, Aimer (to like)

Music/Drama (Ms. Sheppard): TBA

Visual Art: Zentangle Designs

Phys. Ed (Ms. Minutillo): TBA

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Additional "Extra Math Help" Session

After marking the last Math Quiz (Monday), I noticed that many students are still struggling with decimals (ordering and adding).  With Eid on Tuesday and having many students away, I will be holding an additional Math Help session afterschool tomorrow (Thursday).  It will be for about 15-20 minutes (until 3:45) and we will go over decimals.  The students and I went over the quiz today, and I will be reminding them again tomorrow.  I will send the quiz home tomorrow (instead of next week) in the Red Folders, instead of next Tuesday.

Thanks to all the parents who have been signing and returning the Red Folders.  Having the folders returned promptly allows me more time to prepare them for the next week, and have the option of sending them home ahead of the scheduled time.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Upcoming Eid

Dear Parents,

Eid Mubarak!  If you are planning to have your child celebrate Eid with your family, and be absent from school on October 15 and/or 16, please fill out the Eid and return it with your child.  With many families celebrating, we are anticipating a high number of absences.  Our office staff would really appreciate advance notification, so that they do not have to call hundreds of families for the Safe Arrival program those days.  Thanks for your cooperation!

Ms. Kwong

October 7-11, 2013

Reading: Biographies - purpose, characteristics

Personal Narratives (recounts) - qualities of a good personal narrative, conferencing

Math: Subtraction - mental strategies (adding on, splitting, compensation), Unit Test next week (place value, addition, subtraction)

Science (Ms. Halliwel):

Social Studies:  First Nations & European Explorers in New France & Early Canada - Timelines & Maps

French (Ms. Bordonaro): TBA

Music/Drama (Ms. Sheppard): TBA

Visual Art:  Zentangle Designs

Phys. Ed (Ms. Minutillo): TBA